ロシアのサハリン(樺太)出身の写真家Evgeny Vasinの写真集。本書はその彼女の1995年に出版された一冊目。
1988年に初めてカメラを持って街に出かけ、その後2000以上ものネガフィルムからJUST A LIFEと名付けられた本書の為にピックアップされています。
▫️EVGENIY VASIN. JUST A LIFE / 78pages / 1995y / ¥6,980
I call it “Hunt” – the same work, risk, wish of success and the same feeling of joy in the case of luck. My name is Evegniy Vasin. For the first time I went to the – street with a camera in august of 1988. My new hobby turned out very interesting. Now I have more than 2000 negatives in my collection. For publishing in this book I have chosen several pictures about the life of town streets, which I hope are not very dull. Prior to my work as a photo reporter, I served in the Army, was a student of Novosibirskiy Electronical Institute, worked as electronics engineer. Now I’m 47, I have ideas, I’m eager to work and I believe that my “main hunt” is waiting for me.