SKINS Gavin Watson



Skins by Gavin Watson 

This book is much more than a collection of skinhead images. It is a celebration of youth. Perhaps one of the most reviled yet misunderstood of all the youth subcultures, the skinhead look originated back in the 60s as a simple fashion statement. Sartorially proud of their working class roots, the original skinhead was a multicultural, politically broad-minded and fashion-aware individual. Favorite music was reggae, soul and ska and key artists included Desmond Dekker, Max Romeo and The Pyramids. Their choice of immaculate clothing and invariably Dr. Martens boots was the ultimate anti-fashion statement and a badge of both power and pride. Above all else, genuine skinheads were obsessed with their presentation. The 70s saw the look adopted by the scurge of right-wing extremists and for many years was a fashion pariah. However, towards the end of the 90s, the closely cropped look has been championed by a whole new generation of high profile celebrities, including David Beckham and Ewan McGregor, bringing skinhead style back into the mainstream once again.


    ▫️Skins by Gavin Watson  / 128 pages /  ¥ 4,980 




好きな音楽は、レゲー、ソウル・アンド・スカで、主なアーティストにはDesmond Dekker、Max RomeoやThe Pyramidsがいた。しみ一つない服とおきまりのDr. Martens ブーツという出で立ちは、究極のアンチファッションであり、力と誇りを象徴するものでもあった。何よりも、本物のスキンヘッドたちは自分の恰好に固執していた。

70年代になりスキンヘッドは右翼過激派に好まれ、それから何年もの間ファッション界では除け者だった。ところが90年代終わりにかけて、この短く刈られた髪型は、David BeckhamやEwan McGregorらを含む全く新しい世代のトップセレブリティーたちによって大人気を博し、スキンヘッドは再び主流のスタイルに戻った。 


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