Artist B. Thom Stevenson
Silent Soundが手掛けるオリジナルのTシャツ、デザインはB. Thom Stevenson によるもの。
B. Thom Stevenson (トム・スティーブンソン)はブルックリンを拠点し、過去の視覚的言語の形を変えることで、新たな作品を創り出している。太いペイントやエアブラシコンプレッサーなどを駆使して、No Fearスローガンから、インターネット時代が訪れる前のファンキーなチラシに至るまで、何でも巧みに操る。
▫️Silent Sound x B. Thom Stevenson S/S T-shirt / size M~L / ¥6,480 (WEBSTORE)
▫️Silent Sound x B. Thom Stevenson L/S T-shirt / size M~L / ¥6,980 (WEBSTORE)
Brooklyn-based artist B. Thom Stevenson trades in appropriation
altering the visual languages of the past to create something new. With a swath of paint and an airbrush compressor
he manipulates everything from No Fear slogans to pre-Internet punk flyers. His neo-pop expressionist works are a purposeful cultural blasphemy where nothing is sacred. Commercial images of models are rendered down to abstract skeletons in blotches of color
criminal mugshots are painted up as clowns. Ancient tribal busts enter a new marriage with incongruous phrases
effectively transforming from museum shadow box fodder to modern day movie poster. In destroying these images
in altering and reinterpreting subjects
Stevenson challenges the built-in obsolescence of meanings and mediums
where the significance of the images that saturate our daily life and define our shared histories inevitably change with time.
reference :
□Silent Sound L/S Tee / ¥6.980
□Italian Military Gurkha Shorts / ¥8.980
□Swedish Military Thermal Pants / ¥8.980
□EU Military Leather Sandals / 15.800
□Silent Sound Tote Bag / ¥5.480
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